Paperback - glued

{"pl":"Oprawa miękka - klejona","de":"Softcover – Klebebindung","en":"Paperback - glued"}

The most popular type of book binding, known as perfect binding. It combines high quality and low production costs. The binding is ideal for books produced in small and large quantities. Depending on the type of material, we use EVA or PUR glue, which is why we can make books from offset or coated paper. This binding can be made with hinge scoring (2 additional creases apart from the spine scores) or without it (popular in Western Europe).

Max. book block size: 310 x 310 mm block size: 105 x 105 mm (possible reduction on the guillotine)
Max. book block thickness: 60 mm block thickness: 2,5 mm
Cover weight: 170-350 gsm
Inside paper weight: 45-190 gsm depending on the type
Wings: min. 60 mm, cover when unfolded, max width 640 mm
Adhesive Type: EVA/PUR
Dust jacket: possible, wings min. 50 mm
Possible refinements: mat foil, flash, soft touch, anti scratch, structural, 2D or 3D UV varnish, 2D or 3D hot-stamping, dry stamping screen printing

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