Binder refills

{"pl":"Wkłady do segregatorów","de":"Einlagen für Dateiordner","en":"Binder refills"}
Usually, we print training materials, technical data, commercial offers, various manuals or product cards in this form. Legal and medical publishers frequently choose to print loose-leaf materials. In this type of binding 2 or 4 corners can be rounded off, everything can be wrapped with a transparent wrapper on request.
Max. size: 310 x 310 mm
Min. size: 100 x 100 mm
Max. number of pages: without limits
Min. number of pages: 2
Cover weight: 80-400 gsm
Number of holes: 1-8
Inside paper weight: 45-400 gsm
Wings: min. 60 mm, cover when unfolded, max width 640 mm
Possible refinements: mat foil, flash, soft touch, anti scratch, structural, 2D or 3D UV varnish, 2D or 3D hot-stamping, dry stamping screen printing

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